Math and Physics
Grading Scale


Math Grading Scale 2013 - 2014 School Year

The weights that make up a student's math grade.
Please Note:
If any of these categories are not used (i.e. Folder & Notebook Check), that unused category will be redistributed among those used categories .

oUnit Assessment (Test)…………………………….……......  35%

oQuizzes………………………………………………………..........   30%

oGroup Tests / Math Facts Assessment……………...       5%

oHomework / In-Class Work…………………………….....  15%

oProject / Summer Homework  ………..…………….......  10%

oParticipation / Conduct and Citizenship ….............     3%

oFolders and Notebook ………………………………...........     2%

Physics Grading Scale 2013 - 2014 School Year

The weights that make up a student's math grade.
Please Note:
If any of these categories are not used (i.e. Folder & Notebook Check), that unused category will be redistributed among those used categories .

oUnit Tests.............................................................................   30%

oQuizzes.................................................................................    25%

oHomework / Classwork .................................................   15%

oLab ........................................................................................    15%

oProjects  ...........................................………..…………….......      5%

oParticipation / Conduct and Citizenship ….............        5%

oSafety ……………………………….............................................     5%